For the last 4 weeks I have participated in the school sponsored Diversity Circle Meetings. I joined the meeting because I could benefit academically but also socially. When I first heard about Diversity Circles I thought it would be a very time consuming activity that would consist of a bunch of Caucasian students sitting around discussing racism and diversity. I was extremely skeptical of the meetings at first. At the very first meeting, before it even began, I realized that I was in for a very interesting time. The people that sat around me were from all over the world, with histories completely different from my own. Not only were some from Mexico but also Africa and all across America. We all came from different cultural and economic backgrounds.
What is said at meetings and who attends meetings is confidential but the topics we discuss are not. We discuss a wide range of topics from racial stereotypes to difficulties understand people who are different from us. It is amazing the things we discuss. Sometimes things get pretty tense but it helps to talk things through and has really helped our group.
With my experience of working with the people in the Diversity meetings I have been given the chance to see the differences that exist between people. I have learned it is not your skin color it is your background, where you come from, how you were raised, and then your cultural background.
I feel that my experience will definitely help me when I become a teacher. I know that people are different. When I have students I need to see them as a class and as individuals. Differences are the hardest thing for teachers to understand and see because they have their own agenda which blinds them from seeing how to conform to their students.
I love my experience with Diversity Circles. I hope that next year I will be able to continue my experience and see many others there learning from others like I have.
If you are interested in the types of things we discuss during our meetings; you can look at our resource website:
Entry Two:
Over the summer I began volunteering at my church's food pantry. Through this experience I learned not only the meaning of riches but got to know a lot of people who have lived a very different life than I have. While volunteering I worked with people who were children raising children, large families, older couples, and even people who did not speak English. It took me a few moments to gain my composure and talk with everyone. At first I was angry at myself for all that I have and I took for granted until this past summer. I realize how important some of the little things I take for granted are. Out of the whole experience I learned many valuable lessons but the one that will always stick with me is Love is all that you need to be happy. All of the people that I encountered could still share a smile, joke around, and live life and those are things that I take for granted but things that are so important to have. I have continued volunteering my time especially with children and families.
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